
Tour of labs in Sullivan Building

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has excellent NMR facilities to support its teaching and research programs. A JEOL ECA 500 MHz spectrometer and a JEOL ECS 400 MHz spectrometer are housed at the Patricia Sullivan Science Building in Room 001. The JEOL 500 is built on a 12 T Oxford standard bore magnet and the JEOL 400 on a 9.6 T Jastech magnet.

The JEOL ECA 500 NMR Spectrometer contains a 5 mm tunable PFG probe designed with an outer high frequency coil for 1H and 19F observation and an inner tunable low frequency coil for observation of nuclei including 13C, 15N, 31P, and other esoteric nuclei. The spectrometer contains a Z-axis pulse field gradient system that can operate at 30 G/cm. Gradient shimming makes for convenient operation at high homogeneity. 1-D and 2-D experiments are convenient for both experienced and novice NMR operators using DELTA software with programmed routines including 1-D experiments for a multitude of nuclei as well as COSY, NOESY, HMQC, HMBC, DEPT, HETCOR, HSQC, INEPT, ROESY AND TOCSY.

The JEOL ECS 400, our newest spectrometer, has all the capabilities of the JEOL 500 and additionally is equipped with a high sensitivity JEOL Royal probe plus an NMR 24-position sample changer.


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