
CHE 641Bioinorganic Chemistry (Advanced Inorganic Chemistry)

This course focuses on “Bioinorganic Chemistry” which is an interdisciplinary field at the interface of inorganic chemistry and biology/biochemistry. This rapidly expanding field probes fascinating questions about the roles of metal ions in life processes. Non-redox metal ions serve as charge carriers and are involved in signaling and maintaining osmotic balance as well as playing crucial roles in proper protein folding and structure. In turn, redox active transition metals, such as iron and copper are important in a wide range of biological processes including electron transfer, oxygen or nitric oxide transportation, aerobic or anaerobic respiration, neurotransmitter homeostasis, etc. This course is designed to introduce students to these essential roles that inorganic elements play in maintaining the structural and functional integrity of biological structures and the catalysis of life processes.

CHE 442Inorganic Chemistry II

This course covers modern concepts of chemical bonding and its application to periodic relationships, inorganic reactions, and coordination chemistry. It integrates the principles of inorganic, organic, analytical, and physical chemistry into a comprehensive whole, providing a perspective of the chemistry associated with all molecules. The fundamentals of atomic properties, bonding, structure, reactivity of metals, metalloids, and nonmetals are used to understand the whole of chemistry. Coordination chemistry is also introduced in detail including crystal field and ligand field theories.

CHE 570C – Special Topics in Chemistry: Inorganic
CHE 470C – Special Topics in Chemistry: Inorganic