
Sarmad S. Hindo

Title: Adjunct Faculty
Room: 414 Sullivan Science Building
Phone: 336.334.5293


B.Sc. Chemistry w/ concentration in Biochemistry, Wayne State University, 2002
M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry, Wayne State University, 2005
Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry w/ emphasis in Soft Materials & Medicinal Chemistry, Wayne State University, 2009
Postdoctoral Research Scholar, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, 2009
Postdoctoral Research & Teaching Scholar, Wake Forest University, 2010 – 2011


My research interests are in the area of chemical education, specifically towards the development of novel pedagogical strategies and electronic delivery of secure high-stakes examinations using an array of modern instructional technologies. The main goal of my research is to investigate methodologies that will contribute to and help improve overall student conceptual understanding, applied skills, and knowledge retention in the sciences. I am currently developing and studying the efficacy of two integrative approaches:

  1. A modified type of inquiry-based learning (IBL) technique utilizing a collection of instructional technologies, e.g., iClickers, ipads, and a range of smart devices to stimulate engaged learning by students. A distinctively designed formative assessment administered before, during, and after each learning session would provide data on the effectiveness of the approach and allow the lecturer to amend individual IBL assignments to achieve highest concept attainment by students.
  2. Enhanced online methodologies for delivering secure high-stakes examinations in general chemistry. An integrated electronic examination system would give students an opportunity for prompt feedback which would allow them to use the system to learn and prepare for future exams. Moreover, the vision and real value in electronic exams is to develop questions that are tagged to a structural concept map. Ultimately, each student would have the potential for receiving a customized electronic homework plan that targets their individual learning deficiency.

In addition, I am continuously surveying innovative approaches in the area of chemical education that would assist in student retention. I remain diligent in the commitment to the overall success of students in their chemistry curriculum and the encouragement of chemistry studies among students of all ability levels and backgrounds.