News & Events

Dr. Joanna Burdette

Posted on March 27, 2015


Date - March 27, 2015
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


University of Illinois at Chicago

“Characterization of non-steroidal progestins from botanicals for women’s health”


While extensive studies have been conducted on botanicals for the presence of estrogenic molecules, very little has ever been done to identify plant-based progestins. This under-explored area is troubling especially since there is a body of scientific evidence supporting the presence of progesterone receptor (PR) modulators in plant material that may affect endocrine function. For instance, some botanicals have been identified to contain progestogenic compounds as demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo assays. In particular, Zava et. al screened over 150 commonly consumed botanicals identified oregano, verbena, tumeric, thyme, red clover and damiana as the six highest PR-binding herbs. Taken together, we hypothesize that natural progesterone-like compounds from botanical extracts can be identified and biologically characterized for the improvement of women’s health.