Sample Submissions

Mass Spectrometry Sample Submission Instructions

  1. Consult with Dr. Daniel Todd (, 336.334.4768) before sending samples for MS analysis.
  2. No radioactive samples will be accepted.
  3. Fill out sample submission form completely, 1 form per sample submission.The more information that you provide about the sample pre-analysis, the higher quality the mass spectrometry results will be.
  4. Samples should be in plain, clear 1.5 mL polypropylene eppendorf tubes or clean glass vials. Dried samples are preferred over solubilized.

We require that an Application for Instrument Time be completed for:

  • Anyone requesting instrument time for a project that they are conducting in collaboration with a Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry faculty member,
  • Anyone requesting preliminary data collection for a research project that they are pursuing funding (grant) for,
  • Anyone requesting instrument time for a project that has just received funding and will require more than “one-time” access to the desired instrumentation.

If your project is proprietary and/or confidential, please contact Dr. Daniel Todd ( to discuss a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreements and other legal documentation.

Electrospray Ionization (ESI)

Samples can be either liquid or solid. Samples submitted in solution should be dissolved in suitable solvent at a concentration of 100 µM. Solvents must be specified, or solubility information should be provided. Solvents recommended are methanol and acetonitrile. Solvents that should be avoided are DMSO, THF, and DMF. All buffers and salts should be avoided.

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

User must provide HPLC column and HPLC conditions such as solvent gradient, flow rate, etc.

Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI)

Solid samples are preferred. If samples are submitted in solution, oligonucleotide (<50 nt) samples should be prepared at a concentration of 10-100 µM in deionized water. Protein and peptide samples should be prepared at a concentration of 10-100 µM in water or acetonitrile. Synthetic polymers should be prepared at higher concentration range of 200-800 µM. Salts and buffers (≥5 mM) should be avoided, as they may interfere with matrix crystallization and cause signal suppression.

Sample Submission Forms

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