
B.S. Chemistry

The B.S. differs from the B.A. in requiring additional advanced courses in chemistry and/or related sciences. It provides very thorough undergraduate training in chemistry and an excellent background for students planning to undertake graduate work or to enter the chemical industry. Students who complete this program will be certified to the American Chemical Society upon graduation as having fulfilled the Society’s requirements for undergraduate professional training. The sequence in which the required courses are taken is important, and the student should work closely with a chemistry advisor in planning a schedule..

B.S. in Chemistry with Concentration in Biochemistry.

The Concentration in Biochemistry offers students the option to specialize in biochemistry within the curriculum leading to a B.S. in Chemistry.

B.S. in Chemistry with Concentration in Research.

A new degree program that promotes student strengths in chemistry laboratory work and original research began in Fall 2005. The program involves four years of laboratory work under the direction of research faculty. The program’s capstone experience is the preparation of a thesis.