
Nicholas H. Oberlies, Ph.D.


Phone:  336.334.5474
Fax:  336.334.5402

Nicholas Oberlies received his B.S. in Chemistry from Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) in 1992 and his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy from Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana) in 1997, where he studied under Professor Jerry L. McLaughlin. He then spent a year as a postdoctoral chemist at American Cyanamid (Princeton, New Jersey), where he investigated leads with insecticidal, herbicidal, and fungicidal properties from natural sources. In 1998, he joined the Natural Products Laboratory at Research Triangle Institute (RTI) in North Carolina, specifically to be mentored by Dr. Mansukh C. Wani and the now late, Dr. Monroe E. Wall, who are most well known as the co-discoverers of taxol and camptothecin. He rose progressively through the ranks of RTI and eventually directed the Natural Products Laboratory. In 2009, he moved his research group to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has received several awards that speak to his accomplishments, including the Matt Suffness Young Investigator Award from the American Society of Pharmacognosy, the 40 under 40 Leadership Award from the Triangle Business Journal, and the North Carolina Distinguished Speaker Award from the NC Section of the American Chemical Society.

Graduate Students

Melina Tamang

PhD Student

Desy Baiq Ratnasari

PhD Student

T’ea Cameron

PhD Student

Zijian Rong

PhD Student

Reema Al-Qiam

PhD Student

Undergraduate Students

April Joseph

Cameron Ellis

Undergraduate Student

Lea Shumaker

Undergraduate Student

Sophia Naderi

Undergraduate Student

Aisha Chaudry